Elementary School
Smaller Scholars is a Montessori elementary school in Houston. The elementary program is divided into two groups, Lower Elementary consisting of six to nine year olds and Upper Elementary made up of nine to twelve year olds.
Lower Elementary: Ages 6 - 9
Students in the Lower Elementary (grades 1-3) are now moving from concrete to more abstract conceptual learning. The students further build independence and confidence by striking out on their own, exploring and researching, using the tools that they have developed at the Primary level. The classroom environment, Montessori materials, wireless technology, a smart board, and multimedia equipment help support learning that allows the children to answer deeper questions about the world around them beyond just reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Upper Elementary: Ages 9 - 12
Upper Elementary (grades 4-6) focuses on communication, connectivity, and collaboration. The ideas of justice and right or wrong become a stronger focal point for the upper elementary children; therefore, class meetings, Socratic questioning, peer mediation and peer tutoring enhance the child’s thirst for social interaction and acceptance. The Upper Elementary work is designed to foster an understanding between the academic skills learned in Lower Elementary and how they are connected to the “real world.” It is a time for the students to apply previous knowledge and answer the age old questions: ”Why do I need to know that?” and “What is this good for?” Through collaborative projects the 4th through 6th graders practice leadership roles, time management, and how to negotiate or even agree to disagree. These skills are truly beneficial to succeed in any of their future endeavors.
Enrichment Programs
School Hours
Elementary School Day: Monday–Thursday 8am-3pm & Friday 8am–2:15pm
Elementary Full Day: 7:00am–6:00pm